House Bellac Finan1

The House of Bellac

Financial aspect (1/4)

Principle :
The association “La Maison des Cinq” is a tenant of ODHAC according to the lease signed with the Office.
The occupants are under tenants.
When signing the lease, payment of the deposit representing one month's rent must be added, which represents 1/5th of the total deposit paid by the Association to ODHAC.
Management and accounting :
Management, invoicing of amounts owed by sub-tenants, relations with legal agents for the protection of adults, and accounting entries are carried out by an administrator.
The accounting is controlled by an accounting firm.
The rents and charges are paid by the sub-tenants, holders of a sub-rental lease signed with the association, without solidarity between them, (In the event of vacancy the share of rent and charges of the missing sub-tenant is paid by the association), on their personal resources.
Other food, leisure and miscellaneous charges are also paid by tenants from their personal resources.
Third parties are funded by the PCH.

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