
The House of Five team

Farmer, retired, injured in his life as a father due to the accident of his youngest daughter, immediate coma, wheelchair for life with a haunting question for him and his wife "where will our daughter go after us..." D where the idea of creating a shared habitat for head trauma victims and this is how he was able to bring together a whole team around him to help him create the Md5. His pleasures, family, agriculture and song, true passion and through this he organizes shows and concerts whose profits are totally donated to the House of Five.
Vice President
After a career in insurance and claims settlement, since 2007 he has offered legal support to families and injured people in a support and information approach in relation to contractual and legal procedures. Ensures all accounting entries. Participates in the establishment and management of agreements with various partners. Let off steam by cycling, swimming and doing crafts.
Vice President
After more than 15 years in the care of the elderly then facilitator and cultural referent within the HIHL, aware of the world of disabilities, worked on the creation of the Md5 by networking different partners. His mission is to be the relay person for the association with both the partners and the roommates. His free time is reserved for family, writing, reading and all activities related to nature.
Social worker, then socio-educational manager at the CH Esquirol of the brain injured center Adrien DANY, wrote the statutes of the association and set up with the management the first agreement with the CH Esquirol and the HIHL of Bellac . Responsible for social issues, enjoys reading, sewing and walkingd.
Jean-François TARDIEN
Literature teacher in preparatory classes, now retired. After the traffic accident and the head trauma of her son, then aged 5, she has participated since 1997 in the creation and running of associative structures dedicated to brain-injured people in Haute-Vienne and their families.
Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Maison des Cinq of which he has been a member since its creation. Loves walking, reading, music...and football.
Adjunct treasurer
I worked as a pharmacist in Bellac for 35 years and have always been aware of the problem of disability. Elected municipal official since 1989, I have always been motivated by projects bringing interesting development to my town, such as the “Maison des Cinq”. I thus made my contribution to the realization of this project. This allows for synergy between the different structures which are required to work together and carry out joint projects. Always involved in the tourist development of Monts de Blond and the community life of Bellac. I raise horses and ride horses.
Marie-Laure HUGUET
Working for 30 years with elderly people within the HIHL of Bellac. Currently in the Alhzeimer's disease and related diseases department. I joined the Md5 team following my sister's road accident 17 years ago. I participate in meetings with the roommates and in the organization of the various events organized by the association.
I sing in a choir, I love reading, walks in nature and most importantly, spending time with my family...
Responsible for the website and communications.I joined the Md5 team following my situation of mild head trauma (with all that it entails), resulting from a motorcycle accident. Business manager after around forty years spent in construction. I am retired now and still passionate about extreme sports, sea fishing and music.
Alain GAY
Retired from national education, faced with disability by the road accident of a family friend: death of the mother, long coma of the father, immeasurable distress of the two daughters, young, who ask for his help because their whole life has just ended. collapse in an instant. He did not hesitate to join Jean's team in this Maison des Cinq project. He is present at every event and he is the ʺMr. Handymanʺ of our roommates.
Victim of a serious head trauma 24 years ago, diagnosed "unfit to exercise a professional activity" by the UEROS of Limoges, today at 30 I share my time in activities, from reading to nursery and primary school, musical creation with a slam group.
I find it important to get involved in an association which cares about the quality of life of people who have suffered a brain injury and which I think I would have liked to have used if I had had the need. I like reading, music, fencing, moments of sharing and exchanges.
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