Maison Bellac Caregivers

The House of Bellac

The caregivers

Each injured or brain-injured person benefits from the third party disability compensation benefit (PCH), paid by the General Council, the number of hours of which is determined according to the state of dependence. This assistance is shared, after agreement in principle from the Departmental House for Disabled People (MDPH) via the CDAPH (Departmental Commission for the Autonomy of Disabled People). UNA Ouest 87, a home help association, service provider, whose mission is to work with people with disabilities, manages all allocated hours and is paid directly by the General Council. UNA Ouest 87 has implemented a model which makes it possible to offer a human presence from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. and a night on-call if necessary (in the case of a call from the “green presence” teleassistance) 7 days a week. In addition, the schedules are adapted according to the activities that can be offered in the evening (theater, cinema, concert). Given the specific nature of head trauma, the staff of UNA Ouest 87, workers at the Maison des Cinq, have benefited from training provided by the UNAFTC (National Union of Families of Head and Brain Trauma). Additional training must also be carried out by the Adrien Dany Brain Injured Center service at CH. Esquirol.
In order to strengthen the role and missions of all those involved in supporting people, coordination ensured by a specialized educator
has been established. It acts as a service provider. The House of Five is not
therefore not an employer but a partnership agreement has been signed.

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