Maison Bellac Legal

The House of Bellac

Legal situation

La maison des cinq is an association under the 1901 law (declaration to the Bellac sub-prefecture on 6/5/2008). She is a tenant of ODHAC and sublets to the people welcomed.
The letter from the DDASS dated 19/12/2008 confirms that the maison des cinq “does not fall into the category of social or medico-social establishments and services listed by article L312-1 of the CASF and therefore does not belong within the scope of the police of these establishments”.
The letter from the Prefecture of Haute Vienne dated 19/2/2010 confirms that the maison des cinq does not need approval to carry out sub-rentals. This system has also been included by the ARS in the Regional Health Organization Scheme (SROS component for head trauma).
A Partnership Agreement with CH Esquirol and Bellac Hospital was signed at the end of November 2013.
A partnership agreement with ALEFPA was signed in 2018.
A Partnership Agreement with the SAAD (Home help service) UNA Ouest 87, a human aid association, was also signed in October 2019.

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