Who are we ?

Who are we ?

This association project is the initiative of a family, the Joly family, painfully confronted with the problem of the future of cranial and brain-damaged people.
Mr. Jean Joly, full of dynamism, was able to surround himself with a team with diverse and varied skills in order to carry out his shared housing project in Bellac, drawing inspiration from a model that has already proven itself in Bordeaux. We were supported and sponsored by AFTC Limousin.
La Maison des Cinq is an association governed by the law of July 1, 1901, it was created on April 25, 2008 and the statutes were registered on May 6, 2008. It was recognized as being of public utility.
This association is part of the law of February 2005 on equal rights andopportunities for people with disabilities. Shehas the mission of managing a living space for five people with cranial and/or brain injuries in a socio-cultural environment corresponding to their expectations,
- by promoting relearning for collective life,
- by finding a home support solution in the city,
- by ensuring the right to housing for people with disabilities,
- by inserting these people into the surrounding social fabric,
- by pooling the means implemented in terms of human aid every day from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sundays and public holidays.

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