
Following the success of the formula last year, the Maison des 5 association has continued the pancake afternoon experience.
It was another success. Around a hundred people met again this Sunday, February 2, 2020.
We experienced a moment of friendly and musical sharing, thanks to the show offered by the Bellacor group, where our president performed. To the pleasure of experiencing moments of poetry together with the pleasure of hearing songs from Les Enfants Terribles, was added the joy of singing together, simply and naturally.
This moment was particularly appreciated by the housemates of the House of 5, happy to be able to sing and have fun with others.
We were then able to enjoy pancakes and cider or other drinks in good humor and simplicity.
Michel Masseret had previously given a quick update on the evolution of the association's project. He thus confirmed that the Maison des 5 had obtained the inclusive housing package which, thanks to a subsidy from the Nouvelle Aquitaine Regional Health Agency, will help the association to consolidate for three years the choices made to offer roommates activities. physical, cultural and outings.
There was also discussion of our plans to extend the system in place with the construction under study of individual housing intended to offer other possibilities to brain-injured people.
Like last year, this friendly event allowed the renewal of memberships and the registration of new members: we will undoubtedly approach a hundred members in 2020: the Maison des 5 project benefits from support that goes beyond the only administrators!
Thanks again to all the members…

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